On Line Guided Interviewing Formats

Below you will find short descriptions of the following videos as well as links to them:

Introduction to Integral Deep Listening Guided Interviewing

   An IDL Short Guided Dream Interviewing Protocol

   An IDL Short Guided Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

An IDL Regular Guided Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

√ An IDL Regular Guided Dream Character Interviewing Protocol

An IDL Children’s Dream Character Interviewing Protocol

An IDL Children’s Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

An IDL Adolescent Dream Character Interviewing Protocol

An IDL Adolescent Life Issue Interviewing Protocol


Introduction to Integral Deep Listening Guided Interviewing

If you want to interview characters from your dreams, nightmares, of life issues or those of someone else, or a child, the following videos in this series are of me asking the questions in the various interviewing protocols, followed by a pause for answers. Both short and a longer versions of the dream and life issue interviewing protocols are provided. In this video I explain the purpose and use of guided IDL interviews.

   An IDL Short Guided Dream Interviewing Protocol

Interviewing your dream characters is a way to access perspectives that include yet transcend your own while integrating emerging potentials that point you toward the priorities of your own unique life compass. This short interviewing format can be stopped between questions to write down your answers. It can also be used to interview others as well.

   An IDL Short Guided Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

Interviewing your life issues is a way to access perspectives that include yet transcend your own while integrating emerging potentials that point you toward the priorities of your own unique life compass. This video can be stopped between questions to write down your answers. It can also be used to interview others as well.

   An IDL Short Guided Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

Interviewing your dream characters is a way to access perspectives that include yet transcend your own while integrating emerging potentials that point you toward the priorities of your own unique life compass. This interviewing format includes questions regarding six core qualities that are essential to achieving a balanced life. The video can be stopped between questions to write down your answers. It can also be used to interview others as well.

  An IDL Regular Guided Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

The interviewing of the personifications of life issues by Integral Deep Listening reveals our waking dramas, concerns, challenges, predicaments, and issues, whether personal or collective, past or future, secular or spiritual, are best approached as wake-up calls to be listened to respectfully and that respect demonstrated by the application in our lives of those recommendations that are made that make sense to us. This is how we both test the methodology and integrate the imaginal/subjective and the objectively real spheres of our experience.

  An IDL Children’s Dream Character Interviewing Protocol

As soon as children are old enough to report dreams and take the perspective of a character, generally by four, their dream characters can be interviewed using this guided interviewing protocol. As explained in “Ending Nightmares for Good,” dreams and nightmares are different from night terrors, which are due to neurological developmental issues. However, even in those cases, the fear itself can be turned into an animal and interviewed, following the questions in the IDL life issue interviewing protocol.

  An IDL Children’s Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

Young children relate to life issues mainly in terms of feelings. If they are unhappy – sad, scared, confused, angry – those feelings can be expressed and integrated by having the child personify them as an animal and interviewing that animal. Unlike the children’s dream character interviewing protocol, this one includes asking for the scoring of six qualities that teach and develop interior balance. These can be left out, or, alternatively, these questions can be included in the interviewing of dreams and nightmares as well.

  An IDL Adolescent Dream Character Interviewing Protocol

Not only adolescents, but anyone can use this dream character interviewing protocol to access perspectives that include their own but are transpersonal, in that they add perspectives that also transcend one’s own, providing ways of both viewing the dream or nightmare, as well as one’s life issues, in ways that both make sense and reflect one’s own emerging potentials.

  An IDL Adolescent Life Issue Interviewing Protocol

This interview protocol is suitable for anyone over the age of ten or so – not just adolescents. It turns feelings associated with life issues important to you into colors and then shapes which are then interviewed. This format also contains questions regarding six core qualities that are fundamental for establishing and living a balanced life.