Synchronicity and Life Support

Synchronicity is a term coined by the great psychologist, Carl Jung to indicate events that are obviously closely connected but which have no causal relationship.  An example would be thinking about your mother as she is calling you on the phone.

In the following example, the synchronicity occurred in three areas: 1) dream content, 2) an interview of the dream emailed to me, and 3) the way I first experienced the interview.  All three of these time-space dimensions came together in an unpredictable but highly pertinent way. Comments about how to use such events follow.

In addition, this interview deals with how to create a sangha: a support community to help you accomplish a particular task.  Perhaps it is to transform a community, as this dreamer is working on; perhaps it is in finding a life partner; perhaps it is in finding an appropriate career or educational path.  Whatever it is, we need support, and in IDL we learn that there are two major support communities:  those of like-minded supportive individuals, which constitutes our social sangha, and self-aspects that appear in dreams or as personifications of life issues that demonstrate a meaningful investment in your task, issue, or goal.  More comments on this issue also follow the interview.

Date of interview: September 12-16, 2010

What are three fundamental life issues that you are dealing with now in
your life?

1.  Being able to devote full time to the LADDOF project

2.  Finding and involving “Dell Clawson” type people in the LADDOF project

3.  Developing positive relationship with local LDS Church people

Tell me a dream you remember… (Or, choose a strong feeling or

8 September 2010,


With Obama, having just come into his room to see him on a small table or raised mat. He is on his knees and bent over so I can’t tell whether he’s reading, writing, sleeping or praying.When he becomes aware I am in the room he stands up and complains about something he does not understand and begins to erase multicolored stuff off a whiteboard. As he does this I say “You are the definition of succinctness.” He laughs and repeats the word. There are a couple of young elementary school students sitting at desks diligently working on school assignments. Clark Rex is also there, having written some kind of guiding procedure to increase efficiency. I’ve been there trying to write, but not getting far… (This may be what Clark Rex says, but am not sure.)

[Note: this dream came ~2 hours after I downloaded material off the internet about the late Congressman Dell Clawson.]

CREEI score: +++++-/+++/+++  Motivational (CREEI is a type of dream type evaluation methodology developed by Eugene. For more information, see

Why do you think that you had this life experience?

I am in process of laying the groundwork for a Los Alamos Deep Democracy Open Forum to take place next spring or summer. Mormons seem to be an important part of this process. I have been letting my dreams and those of others (Birgitta, Jim Bradbury) be a major part of guiding me as this process unfolds.

If it were playing at a theater, what name would be on the marquee?

Obama’s confusion

These are the characters in the experience…

Large room, Obama, pad platform, young students, whiteboard with multicolored writing, Clark Rex.

If a character had something especially important to tell you, which
would it be?


(Character,) would you please tell me what you look like and what you
are doing?

I am about the size of a small bed (as in a monk’s cell) and serve as support for Obama as he kneels on me. I am located against the east wall of his room.

What do you like most about yourself in this experience? What are your

I offer comfortable support for Obama as he does his inner work.

What do you dislike most about yourself? Do you have weaknesses? What?

Nothing to dislike and no weaknesses.

If you could change this experience in any way you wanted, would you?
If so, how would you change it?

Nothing to change.

If that experience were to continue, what would happen next?

Obama would avail himself of Clark’s wisdom and discipline.

(Character,) if you could be anywhere you wanted to be and take any
form you desired, would you change? If so, how?

No change.

(You are in this person’s dream or life experience, correct? He/she
created you, right?)


(Character), what aspect of this person do you represent or most
closely personify?

A place for him to pray and meditate.

If you could live this person’s waking life for him/her, how would you
live it differently?

Not for me to say.

If you could live this person’s waking life for him/her today, would
you handle his/her three life issues differently? If so, how?

Not for me to say.

What three life issues would you focus on if you were in charge of
his/her life?

Not for me to say.

How would you score yourself 0-10, in confidence, compassion, wisdom,
acceptance, peace of mind, and witnessing? And why?

Confidence: 10. I know what and why I am.

Compassion: 10. I provide a comfortable and modest service in doing my job

Wisdom: ? I don’t know how to answer this.

Acceptance: 10.  What is, is. I do not judge.

Peace of mind: 10.

Witnessing: 10. What is, is.

(Character,) if you scored tens in all six of these qualities, would
you be different? If so, how?

I would not be different.

How would this person’s life be different if he/she naturally scored
high in all six of these qualities all the time?

He would be a balanced and wise leader.

In what life situations would it be most beneficial for this person to
imagine that he/she is you and act as you would?

When confronted with confusion or difficult situations, I am a place to pause and ask for divine guidance.

Why do you think that you are in this life experience (or dream)?

To give Eugene an image to allow reflection, meditation and prayer.

(Dreamer,) what have you heard yourself say? (Read them over)

I need a comfortable, reliable inner place to reflect and become balanced.

If this experience were a wake-up call from your soul, what do you
think it would be saying to you?

Be sure you take advantage of a place to pray and meditate.


If a second character had something especially important to tell you, which
would it be?

Clark Rex

(Character,) would you please tell me what you look like and what you
are doing?

I am in my middle 70s, a former professional athlete and coach, university professor, CEO of an industrial company, psycho therapist and Mormon temple worker. I am also an artist and graphic designer. I am also a conservative Republican.

What do you like most about yourself in this experience? What are your

I am balanced and perceptive with much experience in the real world. My greatest strength is in analyzing businesses and showing them how to be more effective.

What do you dislike most about yourself? Do you have weaknesses? What?

My biggest weakness is physical. This has dogged me all my life from the time I was first injured in professional sports.

If you could change this experience in any way you wanted, would you?
If so, how would you change it?

I want to get President Obama’s attention because he is not doing a good job economically. I can show him and his people how to save significant costs, especially on his healthcare policies.

If that experience were to continue, what would happen next?

Obama himself would hire me to develop flow charts for all his economic initiatives, past, present and future.
(Character,) if you could be anywhere you wanted to be and take any
form you desired, would you change? If so, how?

This is the place for me for now. I’m glad to offer service to Obama, but especially to help Eugene in his LADDOF project.

(You are in this person’s dream or life experience, correct? He/she
created you, right?)

Yes and no. Yes, in that Eugene values my skills, knowledge and affiliation with the LDS Church. No, because I have a reality outside of Eugene’s imagination. We are often in tune with spiritual realities independent of each other.

(Character), what aspect of this person do you represent or most
closely personify?

His practical and life experience side. Also his ability to lead, teach, coach, solve problems and be creative.

If you could live this person’s waking life for him/her, how would you
live it differently?

Not sure I would. I have known Gene for most of his life and have watched him grow and make mistakes. He has made mistakes that I would not have made, but I have always been there for him when needed.

If you could live this person’s waking life for him/her today, would
you handle his/her three life issues differently? If so, how?

No. Those are his and I’m interested in them.

What three life issues would you focus on if you were in charge of
his/her life?

Wouldn’t venture to say.

How would you score yourself 0-10, in confidence, compassion, wisdom,
acceptance, peace of mind, and witnessing? And why?

Confidence: 10. Lots of experience in the world and introspecting.

Compassion: 10. I’ve seen a lot of suffering in others and have a great tolerance for pain myself.

Wisdom: 10. I feel in tune with God.

Acceptance: 9. There are certain ideologies in the world that I am suspicious of, namely Islam.

Peace of Mind: 10. I feel in tune with God.

Witnessing: 10. I perceive the bigger picture.

(Character,) if you scored tens in all six of these qualities, would
you be different? If so, how?

I would know how to deal with Muslims.

How would this person’s life be different if he/she naturally scored
high in all six of these qualities all the time?

He would be a highly effective leader politically and socially.

In what life situations would it be most beneficial for this person to
imagine that he/she is you and act as you would?

When he is in social, leadership or business situations.

Why do you think that you are in this life experience (or dream)?

To give him confidence and support and show him practical ways of achieving his objectives.

(Dreamer,) what have you heard yourself say? (Read them over)

Clark is a most valued friend and counselor. I am able to depend on him for good advice and planning.

If this experience were a wake-up call from your soul, what do you
think it would be saying to you?

Be sure to involve Clark into your life and projects. He is an example of the “Del Clawson people.”

Dear Eugene,
I have a piece of synchronicity for you.
When I opened your email containing this interview, coincidentally, at the same time I saw the title with the word “Obama,” I noticed that the picture that had cycled up on the screensaver behind the email (one out of possible thousands) was this one:
What is very curious to me is that you chose to interview a mat such as a monk would use to work or meditate.  And look who else happens to be in the picture that came up?  Only the most famous monk in the world.  We are moving way beyond coincidence here. I would not even want to begin to contemplate the odds of that combination.
This primed me to think, “Hmmmm…this interview is obviously also for me.  Not only that, but perhaps my feedback to EK on this one is particularly important….
The first thing that strikes me as I read your interview is the integration of political and spiritual power.
It also occurs to me that the interview might be suggesting that you attempt a Buddhist approach to meditation.
Along those lines, I have two suggestions:  1) following the cycle of your breathing with your awareness, and 2) naming whatever arises, like we practiced during that session at Bimini Ocean Villas.
It also occurs to me that both Obama and the Dalai Lama know how to deal with Muslims.  Rex knows how to deal with IDL people.There is an implication that the Rex part of yourself can help the Obama part of yourself.

I think you have some new team players.

What I like about this example of synchronicity is that it is useful.  Most synchronicities astonish us but are not of much obvious use.  This one is profoundly and specifically useful.

Also, we see an individual getting real help in not only building a very high-powered external and internal sangha to support his project, but getting some new direction about a different type of spiritual energy to bring to the project, to his life, and indirectly, into the LDS (Mormon) community.  Very interesting and potentially powerful stuff.

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