Susanne Clarifies Her Intention

How important is intention to healing?  While thoughts, feelings, behavior, and relationships are all integral to healing, intention is a form of upstream prevention, in that it sets the direction and context in which thinking, feeling, action, and interaction occur.  In this meeting of the Tumor Conference, Susanne gets advice from a sarcoma she survived thirty years before, reaffirms her commitment to communication with her cancer cells rather than chemotherapy, and begins to clarify her intention to her cancer cells.

(This is the fifth in a series of interviews addressing a Stage IV cancer.  The other interviews are indexed under “Cancer.”)

Stomach, how are you doing?  Has anything changed?

I am much better! I still feel the iron grip.  John brought me this medicine whose name sounds like a Peruvian mountain.  I feel more peace.  Others give me their own tranquility.  I feel supported, whether it’s Susanne’s friends or the therapists in the hospital who turn to me lovingly.  It all means more relief for me and more space to breathe.

Cancer cells in the stomach, is anything any different for you?

No, the message has not reached all of us. There are so many of us and we need support!  We have reached a kind of shock state.  We are kind of paralyzed.  We are shocked about the amount of damage that we have brought about.

I would like to welcome our new members. John has recommended that we invite the original sarcoma to our conference. (Sarah had her right leg amputated above the knee when she was twenty due to a bone metastasis.)

John: Is there a connection between you, sarcoma, of thirty years ago and what’s happening now?


John: But you’re there now.  I wonder if you have ever been appreciated?

I think Susanne has appreciated that she has been able to gather experience with me when she was younger that she is using now to deal with her present situation.

Sarcoma, can you help get the word out to the cancer cells?  We all are concerned that Stomach is not working. Mirko had a recommendation that we work with intention and order the cells to retreat.  Do you recommend that course, sarcoma?


Would it be best coming from you, the tumor, or our group as a whole?

Not as an order, but as a clear invitation to the cells. Sarah would be the most effective source of that intention or invitation.  Sarah needs to feel supported.

Susanne, would you be willing to now give voice to your intention to all your cancer cells?

SusanneI invite all of you that have gotten out of balance to go back to the state you were in before, into the state of balance.  I invite you to let yourselves be supported by the healing, loving energy of all my friends and to let yourself be supported by the good medicine that Susanne has received.”

Now I would like to ask the cancer cells if they have all heard the request and how they respond to it.

We definitely cannot say for sure at this moment if the message has reached every cell but we will not stop until it reaches us all.

Would it be helpful if Susanne repeated this statement of intent, and if so how often and when?

Whenever she feels like giving us this message.

Susanne: I have been having blocks lately to find the right words that I have been looking for.  In particular, after the surgery, I would like to rethink the words I have spontaneously stated for the intention.  I would like to rethink them and combine them with a sound or a tone or a rhythm.

Would you members of the Tumor Conference be willing to help Sarah to do that?


Thank you, members of the Tumor Conference!

It appears that Susanne prefers communication and expressing clear intent over poisoning her cancer (and other) cells with chemotherapy.  Put another way, it appears she would rather increase her risk of death than fight her cancer cells.  This might be a foolish decision if she were stronger or if she were earlier in the process. The reality is that the doctors do not recommend chemotherapy.  She is too weak and her body could not cope with the additional stress.  It is frustrating to feel the impotence of the situation, to be encouraging communication when there does not appear to be enough time for the communication to demonstrate that it will help or not help on a biological level.  This is based on the fact that Susanne can only be fed intravenously and continues to weaken.  What is clear is that Sarah is much more at peace with her condition, whether she lives or dies.

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