Online Interviewing Registration

Let’s  look at how easy it is get started with online interviewing!

1) To access  the “registration” page click on the following link:


2) After you click on the “Register” button an email will automatically be sent to you:

3) When you click on the link in that email, your account will be activated and you will be redirected to the login page.

4) Once you log in, you will see the screen below which grants your request for IDL to use your interviewing anonymously for research purposes.

This form also allows you to update your information.


You can then click on the top left “House” icon and “Integral Deep Listening Sociometry Desktop.

This will allow you the choice of interviewing

one character from a dream, life issue, historical or fictional event, synchronicity, or mystical or near-death experience (A single character interviewing protocol), or

multiple characters from a dream or life issue (Dream Sociometry).

Thanks for becoming a member of the IDL family!