Long Talk Show


Long Talk Show


I am to be on a three-hour talk show about some aspect of my work.  This is in New York City.  I wonder what in the world I will say for that amount of time. I am to fly up there.


 About a week after I had this dream I was invited to do a radio talk show for as long as I wanted –  from 7:00 P.M. until 10:00 if I wanted.  I told the guy I didn’t know if I could talk that long.

Preference Predictions

Most Accepting Character:   Show

Least Accepting Character: Dream Self

Most Preferred Character: Talk Show

Most Rejected Character: New York City

Most Preferred Action:  my work

Most Rejected Action:  None

Most Preferred Feeling:  None

Most Rejected Feeling: fear


Sociomatrix Commentary

DreamSelf   Sounds like a great idea.

Talk Show   We’ll enjoy having you on.

New York City   Look forward to seeing you up here!

Comment:   I like what I do, but can I do it well for that amount of time?  Self doubt.   New York City means professional acceptance and financial success.

Actual Preferences

Most Accepting Character:  New York City

Least Accepting Character:  None

Most Preferred Character:  Dream Self

Most Rejected Character:  None

Most Preferred Action:  my work

Most Rejected Action:  None

Most Preferred Feeling:  None

Most Rejected Feeling:  fear

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 Sociogram Commentary

Fear of failure:  an ever-present sabatoge of success.  criminate among women in his dreams.  I can and will teach him, but not about sexuality.

Long Talk Show '81 ?

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