Learning to Fly


Learning to Fly


I  am in the air over Petit Jean mountain, sitting in a chair, flying, maybe 50 -100 feet up.  I lean back and go into a loop accidentally. I am afraid I will crash, but I don’t.  I fly over some guys on a field.  It’s fun.  I’m getting the hang of it.


Meditated with Gayle yesterday.  Worked on my book (sociometry).

Learning to Fly SMX '82

Sociometric Commentary

 Dream Self: I’m very pleased with myself.  Petit Jean is free and above all, a world of its own.  This is not much of a plane.  It’s hard to keep one’s balance up here at first, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Relaxing.  It’s very pretty up here, but it could be dangerous.  My imbalance and fear turn out to be OK, though, and unfounded.  Those guys sure are impressed.

Petit Jean:  I like the dreamer.  I’m special.  Different.  Interesting.

Chair: I’m a very special chair.  I can take people above their daily lives.  I can take them into a recreational, relaxed space.  Association: TM at Petit Jean!

Field:  I’m glad he’s practicing and getting the hang of it.  If he falls  he won’t get hurt, though he doesn’t know that.  He really doesn’t need that silly chair to fly, but he thinks he needs something to support himself so that he doesn’t lose balance.

Guys: We’re impressed.  Where did he learn to do that?

Associations: Had meditated the day before.  Went to a TM workshop at Petit Jean 5 months ago.

Dream Commentary

If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it? 

 Petit Jean:  Fly more, fly higher!

Field:  Yes, and don’t worry so much about falling. If you fall, you’ll float right on down.

Chair:  Fly without me.

Guys :  Fly more, fly higher, but without the chair!


I am in the air over Petit Jean mountain, sitting in a chair, flying, maybe 50 -100 feet up.  I lean back and go into a loop accidentally. I am afraid I will crash, but I don’t.  I float!  Then I fly higher and I soar out of the chair.  I fly over some guys on a field.  It’s fun.  I’m getting the hang of it.

Actual Preferences

Most Accepting Character:  Chair

Least Accepting Character:  Field

Most Preferred Character: Dream Self, Petit Jean

Most Rejected Character:  None

Most Preferred Action:  learning

Most Rejected Action:  crash?

Most Preferred Feeling:  fun

Most Rejected Feeling:  afraid

'82 Learning to Fly SGM 8:30:82

Sociogram Commentary

Most of myself considers meditation to be a lot of fun.  It’s just my waking self that is afraid.  Emotionally, there is some fear opposed by developing confidence.

There exists conflict both emotionally and behaviorally but not attitudinally.  Emotionally, the conflict is between fear and fun, self-protection and self-release.

Behaviorally, the conflict is between learning to meditate, i.e., let go of my waking identity, and avoidance.

All aspects of myself represented in this dream group personify supportive attitudes toward choosing fun, letting go of my waking identity, self-release, and meditation.  There are no attitudinal obstacles to integration in this particular group, save those of waking identity (dream self).

Learning to Fly '82

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