IDL Special ’19


IDL Special 2019

Bad Sulza 5.-9-6.2019

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

Who will you be in five years? What sort of world will you be living in?
What can you do to create the future for yourself, your family and the world?

The Matrix, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, Orwell’s !984, and Huxley’s Brave New World – these are all examples of dreaming the future. Some visions are nightmarish, some are exciting, and some open us up to new possibilities for the evolution of our hearts, minds and bodies. What future will we create?

A better future starts with the intentions we set today.
The problem is that most of our intentions were scripted when we were children by our parents, teachers, and peers. Our intentions are on automatic, and therefore the future tends to be an outpicturing of our habits, not our current intentions.
To change that, we need to align our priorities with those of our life compass, so that we can act with authenticity and power, without inner conflict.

In our IDL Special we will explore ways you can find and follow your life compass with the help of a very special and talented colleague, psychodramatist, professor, counselor, and educator Daniela Simmons, from Dallas, Texas, who will be leading us in powerful, profound experiences to help us re-imagine our individual and collective futures.

In addition, there will be plenty of opportunities to share our dreams and create new ones, and to plan how to make them come true, with the help of IDL interviewing and application.  getting into your newly discovered interviewed characters and experiencing and sharing with the group your future from their point of view.

This INTEGRAL DEEP LISTENING seminar is designed for both experienced IDL Practitioners and people in therapeutic professions who want to deepen their work, connect and refuel, as well as for those from all walks of life and work, who seek to experience a deeper bond with themselves, others, and who want to be the change they want to see in the world.

Creative insights, mindfulness exercises and Aqua Wellness Bodywork in the 35 ° C warm, healing waters of the world renowned Spa Toskana Therme, Bad Sulza with the legendary Liquid Sound underwater music will work together to resolve tensions and create new connections, not only with each other, but also in your own neural network!


Teachers: Dr. Joseph Dillard, Dr.Daniela Simmons,  HP Claudia Hahm

Seminar Language: English

Consecutive Translation into German: Claudia Hahm

Charges: € 450 / Early booking until end of February 20 19€ 425 per person

For seminar, Hotel and Therme booking please contact Mrs Martina Koberstein

Tel.     +49-36461-91040

Mobil: +49-175-77 08 165

Fax     +49-36461-91013

Hotel an der Therme GmbH
Rudolf-Gröschner-Straße 11

99518 Bad Sulza

Seminar registration is also available directly with Claudia Hahm, Praxis für Komplementärmedizin&Psychotherapie

Goethestr.26a, 14163 Berlin, Tel./Fax:+49(0)30 8015856,

Dr. Joseph Dillard studied various different world religions, philosophies and psychologies before beginning work in 1974 in the field of mental health and preventive health care, pain management, and leading seminars in meditation training and dream interpretation. In 1980, he developed Dream Yoga, an effective method for understanding dreams and eliminating nightmares. Author of over twenty books, his work draws upon the integral psychology, philosophy and spirituality of Ken Wilber. He developed Integral Deep Listening (IDL), a practical method of freeing ourselves from life-long scripting and supporting transformation through an integral life practice, an ongoing process of waking up. DreamYoga.Com;

Claudia Hahm has operated her Practice of Complementary Medicine and Psychotherapy in Berlin since 1996. A naturopath, art therapist and IDL-Practitioner who has studied at the Fritz Perls Institute and the Institute for Humanistic Psychology, Claudia has further education in bioenergetics, Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama, Tantra Massage, WATSU (water shiatsu), Aqua-Wellness, dolphin internships via Water Planet, USA, and more. For more than 15 years she has conducted snorkeling adventures to Bimini, Bahamas to swim with wild dolphins and sharks.

Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP., is the founder and director of the Expressive Therapies Training Institute (ETTi), offering workshops on action methods in North Texas, other states and internationally. Dr. Simmons teaches experiential tools and didactic. She has conducted and published various research on action methods. Daniela Simmons’ professional experience, both in Europe and the US, is in educational, research, and consultancy work in the social sciences, applied gerontology and mental health. She has been utilizing action methods sessions since 1995 in Europe and since 2005 in the US. Dr. Simmons is the vice-president of the American Society in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP); an executive editor for the American Journal in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy as well as an editor for the Psychodrama Network News (PNN).


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