IDL Certification Programs

Like universities offering bachelor, masters, and PhD degree programs, Integral Deep Listening offers three successive certification programs.

The entry level Coaching program is meant for everyone and anyone who is interested in personal or familial/relationship healing, balancing, and transformation. It is a pre-requisite for the IDL Practitioner certification.

The Practitioner certification is meant for those who want to teach specific populations and/or families a set of powerful tools for healing, balancing, and transforming themselves. It is a pre-requisite for the IDL Trainer certification.

The Trainer certification is meant for those who want to teach others how to be effective IDL Coaches and Practitioners as well as to do research into the effectiveness of IDL.

All three certification programs are pursued with a partner or partners who supply support and feedback. You can either find a potential student yourself to go through the program with, or we can provide you with a partner.

Also central to this process, and something that differentiates it from most others, is that you have the support of the multiple invested perspectives that you meet during your interviews. Ask them for advice and support as you go along. When resistances or doubts arise, ask them for input and feedback!

Consulting your interviewed dream characters and personifications of your life issues (like the knife of a stabbing pain in your back or the rat of a gnawing pain in your stomach) keeps your process authentic and helps to align it with the priorities of your life compass. Consulting your IDL Sangha members – your partner(s) and team members – keeps you grounded and focused as you move forward.

The Coaching Certification is designed to take six months on the average. However, it takes time to integrate new information and it takes patience and persistence to break old habits of thinking, feeling, and behavior. Approach it as a lifelong integral life practice and integral yoga – something that you incorporate and become, that grows as you do rather than something you outgrow. Be kind to yourself and enjoy the ride, knowing that your work will cascade down and out to help heal, balance, and transform the lives of others.

Here is an overview of the three levels of certification followed by a more in-depth look at each level.

What do I learn in the IDL Coach Certification program?

To be able to:

  1. Explain what Integral Deep Listening is.
  2. Explain what IDL does and how it does it.
  3. Explain how you use IDL and how it has helped you.
  4. Interview yourself.
  5. Interview adults and children. (Teach mutual support/accountability in the application of interview recommendations.)
  6. Develop a self-marketing strategy for your Coaching practice.

  What do I learn in the IDL Practitioner Certification program?

To be able to:

  1. Maintain an ongoing IDL Coaching practice.
  2. Identify and work with a specific target group.
  3. Market yourself. (Conduct IDL Salons in person/on line; make videos; have a web presence)
  4. Understand and use the ten IDL core components
  5. Understand and use online interviewing
  6. Teach others the ten core components and how to use them

What do I learn in the IDL Trainer Certification program?

Be able to:

  1. Maintain an ongoing IDL Practitioner practice.
  2. Understand and be able to use on line Dream Sociometry.
  3. Conduct research with peers leading to publication into some aspect of IDL.
  4. Be able to teach IDL Coaching and Practitioner Certification.

Goals and Requirements of the Coaching Certification Program

To be able to:
  1. Explain what IDL is.
  2. Explain what IDL does and how it does it.
  3. Explain how you use IDL and how it has helped you.
  4. Interview yourself.
  5. Interview adults and children. (Teach mutual support/accountability in the application of interview recommendations.)
  6. Develop a self-marketing strategy for your Coaching practice.

Supplemental readings:

Waking Up. An overview of the ten core resources of IDL.

Escaping the Drama Triangle in the Three Realms: Relationships, Thinking, Dreaming. How and why IDL expands the concept of the Drama Triangle and uses it as the second component of its three healing resources.

IDL Interviewing Techniques. An Overview of the logic behind the questioning protocols.

The first Coaching criterion is to be able to explain what IDL is. This is be determined by:

1) Viewing a series of short videos and taking self-tests on their content;

These are located on this site,, under the “Video Curricula” menu. We will send you a list of the specific videos when you register.

The second IDL Coaching criterion is being able to explain what IDL does and how it does it. Coaching students practice explaining what  IDL is to other students and interns as well as to friends, family members, and prospective clients who know nothing about it.

Competency in this second criterion is determined by:

1) Viewing pertinent videos and taking self-tests on their content. These are videos on the ten core practices of IDL, found in the IDL video curricula. We will send you a list to be viewed and reviewed.

2) Explaining what IDL does and how it does it to other students and interns;

3) Practice explaining what IDL does and how it does it to friends, family members, prospective clients who know nothing about it.

The third Coaching criterion is to be able to explain how you use IDL and how it has helped you. This will be determined by:

1) Interviewing self, fellow students, and subjects/clients in order to get an application base as a partial foundation for your appraisal;

2) Initial application of one or more of the nine other core concepts of IDL to evaluate their personal usefulness and whether or not they are helpful;

3) Practice explaining how you use IDL and how it has helped you. to fellow students/interns, friends, family members, prospective clients who know nothing about it.

The fourth Coaching criterion is gaining experience interviewing your dreams, life issues, mystical experiences, serendipities, etc. Assumed in this is gaining experience choosing recommendations from interviews to test by using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) operational criteria in an accountability structure with a fellow student.

The fifth Coaching criterion is gaining experience interviewing the dreams, life issues, etc. of adults and children. At least two adults and two children (under the age of 18). Assumed in this isteaching them to choose recommendations from interviews to test the method by using the SMART operational criteria in which you act as an accountability person for them. Also assumed is that they interview YOU and act as accountability partners for YOU.

The sixth Coaching criterion is to develop a self-marketing strategy for your coaching practice.

  • How do you intend to develop your coaching practice? Create a plan and submit it to IDL for feedback.
  • Include in the plan how you can implement all ten of the core components into your coaching practice.
  • Determine how you intend to integrate IDL with your other ongoing coaching or counseling interests and pursuits – with the rest of your life.
  • Check the viability of your plan with respected interviewed emerging potentials to confirm that it is in alignment with your life compass.
  • Determine and solicit whatever support you are going to need to follow through on your marketing plan.

Coaching certification is about testing the validity and usefulness of IDL in your life and the lives of family and friends. It is about developing a basic understanding of the ten core practices of IDL with an emphasis on interviewing. You will be testing the validity and usefulness of IDL in your life and the lives of family and friends. This is because:

  1. if you don’t find IDL personally healing, balancing, and transformative you shouldn’t pursue it.
  2. if others that you know, care about, and trust don’t find it personally healing, balancing, and transformative, you shouldn’t be an IDL Coach or use it with others.

You test its validity for yourself in your life by:

1) interviewing individual dream characters and elements and testing the efficacy of recommendations they make in the laboratory of your own daily life.

2) interviewing personifications of your life issues and doing the same.

Frequency: at least one self interview a week for six months. To be submitted to this site, anonymously, for research purposes.

3) Operationalizing recommendations of your choice from your interviews

4) Daily tracking of your application

5) Submission of weekly reports on your application to your study partner, with reports of results monthly to IDL.

You test its validity in the lives of others by:

1) Interviewing others and having others interview you: at least six mutual interviews with six different people over six months.

2) Choosing recommendations for them (and yourself when you are interviewed) to implement and mutually monitor.

Learning about the relationship of interviewing to the other nine core components of IDL – how each is related to the interviewing process by submitting a written or oral report on how each component shows up in your life and how you want to utilize it in your Coaching practice.

Goals and Requirements of the Practitioner Certification Program

This level of certification is about testing the validity and usefulness of IDL in the lives of children, families, and a particular interest group of your choice. This is because

  1. if children learn how to access their emerging potentials and life compass they can not only avoid great misery in their lives and avoid unnecessary bad life choices, but be healthier parents, changing the direction of both society and culture.
  2. if families learn to use IDL then the culture of families is healed, balanced, and transformed. This in turn heals, balances, and transforms society.
  3. Establishing a reputation with a particular target population provides your practice with a specific, as well as a generalist, marketing approach. More importantly, it focuses your efforts so that you are more likely to make an important difference with one specific population or problem area in the world.

You test its validity for children and families by:

1) interviewing children and teaching them to trade interviews with family members and friends

2) explaining the concept of “Dreaming Healthy Families” to at least one family and holding six once a month family meetings with them. This includes teaching them how to choose, apply, and track recommendations while holding each other accountable for their implementation.

You test its validity in the lives of your chosen target group by:

1) Exchanging both varieties of interviews with at least six others over a six month period.

2) Choosing recommendations to implement and mutually monitor.

3) Track the results/effects on your target group as well as on yourself and your own development; submit a report of same as part of your credentialing

Develop a deeper understanding of the ten core components of IDL

1) Learn on line single subject interviewing by interviewing both dream elements and personifications of life issues for yourself and others. At least four of each.

2) Learn to use each of the other nine components in your daily life. This includes

learning, practicing and teaching IDL meditation;

learning, practicing and teaching IDL pranayama;

helping students identify life scripts, sort through them, and create a life script aligned with their life compass;

Helping students identify and eliminate toxic words, cognitive distortions and biases;

Learning and help clients to differentiate assertiveness from passivity and aggression as well as homework practicing it in the three realms: relationships, thinking, dreaming.

Learning and be able to explain Triangulation;

Learning and working with the IDL Statement of Intent

3) By reading Seven Octaves.

4) By sharing your progress with your partner/team/Accreditation supervisor.

5) Be able to explain how IDL is similar/different from other forms of healing, balancing, transformation. That is,

Healing: Medicine; New Age energy medicine, Chinese medicine/naturopathy

Psychodynamic therapy, Jungian/shadow therapy, Behavioral, Cognitive Behavioral,     Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama, Gestalt,

Balancing: Coaching, Academic education

Transformation: Shamanism, various other yogas, lucid dreaming, New Age spirituality, Religion,     mysticism, psychism

Developing and submitting a marketing plan – how you intend to develop your Practitioner practice.

Goals and Requirements of the Trainer Certification Program

Be able to:

  1. Maintain an ongoing IDL Practitioner practice.
  2. Understand and be able to use on line Dream Sociometry.
  3. Conduct research with peers leading to publication into some aspect of IDL.
  4. Be able to teach IDL Coaching and Practitioner Certification.

This level of certification is about testing the validity and usefulness of IDL in research, publishing, and training contexts. This is because

  1. Credibility lies not only in personal value and results and the same in the lives of those around you, but through the generation of collective consensus regarding credibility.
  2. Credibility comes from the ability to pass on to future generations of Coaches, Practitioners, and Trainers what you have learned.

You test the validity of IDL for social consensus by:

1) Doing research with a population of your choice

2) Publishing your findings, preferably with a group of co-researchers (who can also be study subjects).

Learning Dream Sociometry.

1) Reading Dream Sociometry and Understanding the Dream Sociogram.

2) Creating at least ten on line Dream Sociomatrices;

3) Guiding at least two other people (student Coaches, Practitioners) through the creation of on-line Dream Sociomatrices.

3) Be able to explain the purpose and applications of Dream Sociometry.

Learning the conceptual foundations of Integral Deep Listening