Class Clown


Class Clown


There is a class I am taking on some subject that I know a lot about.  It seems to have to do with Central or South America.  I am the center of the class and am entertaining everyone with my knowledge of the subject.  The course switches focus to another part of the world; the class seems disappointed.


The theme involves the pleasure of being the center of attention and the subsequent letdown when I lose that attention.  I do not know a lot about Central or South America, although I did visit Yucatan in ‘67 and have studied the Mayan and Incan cultures in years past.

Preference Predictions

Most Accepting:  Dream Self

Least Accepting:  Elsewhere

Most preferred character:  Central America

Most rejected character:  Elsewhere

Most preferred action:  knowledgeable

Most rejected action: shift focus

Most preferred feeling:  enjoyment

Most rejected feeling:  disappointed

Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:  This is probably what I like to do most.  But I am no expert on these areas.  I am faking it – talking outside my area of expertise.  Still, these people seem to enjoy it and do not want to leave.

Class:  We like being entertained while we learn.  He does a good job!

Central America:  I’m glad he’s talking about me.

Elsewhere: Maybe I can tap into some of those good feelings by piggy-backing on their good experience.

Comment:   The next night I did a talk on dreams that went well.  Perhaps a commentary on old feelings of inadequacy and low self-confidence.

Dream Commentary

If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it? 

Class:  Have more confidence about what you present.  You do a good job, even if it isn’t your major area.  Don’t diminish its value by saying that you’re “faking” it.

Central America:  Right

Elsewhere:  Right.

Dream Self:  Just do the same with more confidence, I suppose.


There is a class I am taking on some subject that I know a lot about.  It’s about dreamwork.   I am the center of the class and am entertaining everyone with my knowledge of the subject.

Waking Commentary

     If you were this dreamer and were dealing with his waking issues – money, relationships, fears, career choices, physical health, and spiritual development – would you do anything differently?  If so, what? 

Class:  Same as dreamage:  Have more confidence about what you present.  You do a good job, even when it isn’t your major area.  Don’t diminish its value by saying that you’re “faking” it.

Action Plan

use dreamage pre-sleep

use dreamage at other times

Actual Preferences

Most Accepting:  Dream Self •

Least Accepting:  Elsewhere •

Most preferred character: Class

Most rejected character:  Elsewhere

Most preferred action:  talking, entertain  •

Most rejected action: switch focus •

Most preferred feeling:  enjoyment •

Most rejected feeling:  disappointment •

6 of 8:  75%

Sociogram Commentary

There exists conflict on the Form, Process, and Affect axes but not on the acceptance axis.  Group members are preferring, but one action, one feeling, and one character is rejected.   Conflict, while significant, is not pervasive.  This is a thesis pattern, not an antithetical constellation, because there is no rejection on the acceptance axis.   Intrapsychic support is fundamental, although there is some confusion, doubt about what to do, who to be.

Acceptance Axis: Class is very similar to Dream Self in its preferences.  Fear and lack of confidence regarding relationships with others is fundamentally fear and lack of confidence regarding self.   The polarity is between sticking with what I know with confidence vs. letting my fear shift my attention elsewhere.

Affect Axis:  There is an opposition between enjoyment and disappointment.  The key here may be unrealistic expectations for performance.

The dream seems to encourage confidence through presenting success at a less threatening task or presentation.  An example of dream desensitization. of a work-related issue.  The shifting to Elsewhere seems to reflect a loss of direction and focus.  As long as the focus is maintained, attitudes, thoughts, and feelings work together.  This pattern is seen fairly clearly in the stratified nature of the sociogram.   The “successful” cluster includes Dream Self, Central America, the Class, the actions “knowledgeable”, “talking”, “entertain” and the feeling “enjoyment.”   The “unsuccessful” cluster includes  Elsewhere, “switch focus,”, and “disappointed.


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