Learning Compassion from a Hippie Woman
Most of us like to think we’re loving. But are we compassionate? What is compassion and how do we learn it? This interview offers some important insights.
Most of us like to think we’re loving. But are we compassionate? What is compassion and how do we learn it? This interview offers some important insights.
“I looked into this foal’s eyes and saw the face of a beautiful old, wise woman. She had such confidence and depth and wisdom in her eyes. We just looked at each other and caressed each other.”
How do you stop yourself from creating the life of your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you would be selfish if you did? Do you ever let your fears of what others might think stop you? If you do, don’t feel so special. So does most anyone else that is sincere and has a conscience.
Someday it will be normal to include self-aspects in Tumor Conferences in cancer wards at hospitals. After all, where does healing come from? How important is a patient’s communication with their body to the healing process? How important is communication among the different players in the disease and healing process to recovery?
“If you don’t hold on to things you don’t have to let go!”
The self-aspects that you interview were never born, so they do not fear death. Many never had the life experiences that taught you to fear or give up hope. If you listen to them, they will teach you how to live.
Do you ever have trouble getting over a relationship? Do you ever have trouble staying true to yourself? If you do, you’re not alone! As you read this lady’s interview, let it awaken within you a greater connection with spirit within!
What do you do when you have a silly dream that either looks like it is meaningless or is a jumble of day residue? Interview it, of course! When you do you will find alternative perspectives that will show you what you are missing and how to change your view so that you become more who you really are! Who wouldn’t want to do that?
Here is an example of an interview that builds identification with an aspect of your experience that is always constantly witnessing and meditating: the sky.