Don’t Want to Be “Dumped on?” Become a Flying Toilet!
Have you ever seen lovers as rescuers? Have you ever had trouble getting out of the Drama Triangle with lovers?
Have you ever seen lovers as rescuers? Have you ever had trouble getting out of the Drama Triangle with lovers?
How many of us have doubts, fears, and uncertainties about our future the way Mako does? What does this duck recommend?
Most of us have issues similar to Pathfinder: a crappy childhood, issues with the opposite sex, and loneliness. You can change these issues too.
Is your love relationship more like a sprouting flower or a decomposing tree stump? The truth is that it probably has qualities of both. The challenge is, “How do I have more sprouting flowers today in my life?” “How do I have less of a sense of decay, of being cut off from life?” While … Read more
As you read Tatayana’s interview with the Serpent that personifies her sexuality, think about your own. How can you use the perspective of this serpent to bring your own sexuality into better balance?
“I am in this room in a corner and swaying from one side to the other! I have big black eyes and a knot on my head like you would see on an air balloon!
I like this balloony thing on my head. You know when you let out the air in a balloon? I can let off steam if people bother me! I just think, ‘Kiss my ass!'”
Don’t waste much time with dreaming dreams of victimization. Look for a way out of the drama. Some IDL dream interviews emphasize healing. Others emphasize balance. Others emphasize transformation. This one emphasizes all three.
It takes a lot of energy to go through life holding up a shield, out of a knowledge that there are parts of yourself that can be hurt. When we awaken to choosing to experience the parts of our ourselves that do not die then we can give up a defensive posture.
In the above picture, we may assume that the boy is helping his stuck horse. But what if it’s the other way around? What if the horse has come to help the boy get unstruck? That’s the situation that we find in this interview, in which a kind and intelligent businessman lacks the confidence to cold call potential business clients
Synchronicity is a term coined by the great psychologist, Carl Jung to indicate events that are obviously closely connected but which have no causal relationship. An example would be thinking about your mother as she is calling you on the phone. In the following example, the synchronicity occurred in three areas: 1) dream content, 2) … Read more