Is Your Sleep Affecting Your Chronic Pain Levels?

Here is another article about the therapeutic value of sleep from Jane Sandwood. Millions of Americans are living with severe or chronic pain everyday. In 2015, a Sleep in America poll found that as much as 36 percent of the population have had acute pain while 21 percent experience chronic pain. Those living with chronic pain can … Read more

How the Drama Triangle in Your Dreams Affects Your Health

(From Dillard, J. Escaping the Drama Triangle in the Three Realms: Waking, Thinking and Dreaming.) You probably work hard during the day to eat right, exercise, maintain a positive attitude, treat others with respect, not react, and generally be a good person.  You can go to workshops and therapy, go to bed feeling good and still … Read more

Overcoming Insomnia with IDL

About one in three people have insomnia. It becomes more likely as we get older, making it one of the most common of all health disturbances. Women are twice as likely as men to have insomnia and ninety percent of those who are depressed also report trouble sleeping. In the US about ten million people use … Read more

Prostate Cancer Interview

Can miracles happen if we grow fully into confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, inner peace, and witnessing? No. But the quality of the life that creates itself through us can indeed feel miraculous.
