Do You Want to Become Enlightened?
Enlightenment is easy and fun once you realize it is a moment-to-moment process of waking up out of your normal irritations and dramas.
Enlightenment is easy and fun once you realize it is a moment-to-moment process of waking up out of your normal irritations and dramas.
By interviewing that which you dislike you honor, respect, and learn from whatever you are fighting. The assumption that loving your enemies first requires that you develop genuine respect for them.
Accessing Your Inner Potential Your Secret Garden: Finding Inner Peace If I Only Had a Heart! There’s No Place Like Home! What does higher-level functioning look like? What could an octopus know about trust?? Interviewing a Mystical Painting Move Toward What You Don’t Like A Motivational Raven! (Turning fears of making it on one’s … Read more
“Samsara” is the Sanskrit word for “illusion.” It refers to the suffering associated with the incessant rounds of rebirth created by karma, or the law of cause and effect. This fascinating interview is about how we can escape from the drama of samsara in our own lives.
Twice a month we hold Integral Deep Listening Salons in Berlin. There is generally lively discussion of a pre-chosen topic followed by snacks and then a group interview. I wrote this summary to a student, Chrystal, who is an excellent sculptor: “A recent topic was about the type of person that you … Read more
Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? What is meaningful and what is not? Why? When you ask such questions, what answers do you give yourself?
I’ve always known God was really a cat. Those who taught that he was a dog are just plain heretics. Barbara’s interview is a functional mystical experience. It is a mystical experience in that it puts Barbara in touch with core qualities of enlightenment. It is functional in that Barbara can use it to get past … Read more
Have you ever been embarrassed? When you were an adolescent did you go through your life with your head down and your mouth shut so as not to make a fool of yourself? Were you afraid of the criticism of others?
Everyone would like to access a state of oneness. We know that if we did we would experience peace, love, and wisdom to such a profound degree that our normal, everyday concerns would seem trivial by comparison.
Do you ever feel dependent on others in a needy way? Do you have trouble finding your life path? Do you ever have trouble being assertive? Do you wrestle with fear and worries? If you do any of this, you will relate to Sharon, her Stone, and her Sun-Filled Wood.