“Evolutionaries” endorse Clinton:
“Evolutionaries” have an excellent option to voting for either one of these reprobates. Jill Stein’s platform is not only rational, it is healthy.
“Evolutionaries” have an excellent option to voting for either one of these reprobates. Jill Stein’s platform is not only rational, it is healthy.
We tend to dismiss the perspectives of imaginary characters as subjective fantasy or wishful thinking that do not provide any information that we don’t already know. IDL demonstrates that these explanations are largely a reflection of our desire to maintain a sense of control over our lives rather than a statement of the true worth of triangulation.
In psychology, the unconscious has since Freud often been understood to be the source of dreams, automatic thoughts, slips of the tongue and forgotten memories.
How do we transform? How do we access and maintain a transcendent consciousness? One model is the dialectic, dating from Fichte and Hegel, that says development progresses through thesis, antithesis and synthesis stages. The following, which deals with synthesis, is an excerpt from the text, “Understanding the Dream Sociogram,” a sequel to “Dream Sociometry,” which explores … Read more
How can group process accelerate both individual and group integration at the same time? How can the projective elements of interpretation be reduced? How can we best help each other find our own unique way forward into the fulfillment of our potentials?
We all want to get enlightened, but how? Development is like a spiral staircase, with multiple “floors” or landings where you can stop, relax, or stay for the rest of your life. But having a map of the entire process can help you see where you are and what the next step is in your movement to clarity and enlightenment and to lucidity, whether awake or dreaming.
The idea of an unconscious is something like the idea of a personal afterlife. Your thoughts and feelings are like ghosts or spirits, which do not just die. Instead, they continue to live, full form, and can either haunt you by incoherent urges and desires from “the other side,” or can “reincarnate,” when they erupt anew, fully grown, into consciousness.
On the tyranny of our definitions of reality There is nothing wrong with this picture. It’s just a cherry pie, with or without the benefit of a pie pan, floating peacefully over a flock of sheep, perhaps radiating down angelic beneficence, or perhaps the UFO of alien invaders in a clever disguise, preparing to do … Read more
“Just who or what is this character that I have just interviewed?” “What is the best way for me to understand it and to communicate its nature and purpose to others?”
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of interviewed characters and their recommendations? What to do about it?