Core Concepts of IDL
Dream yogas view life as a dream; to become lucid within that dream is to wake up within it. IDL emphasizes waking up in your waking identity in your waking life, because that is the self you carry into your dream state…
Dream yogas view life as a dream; to become lucid within that dream is to wake up within it. IDL emphasizes waking up in your waking identity in your waking life, because that is the self you carry into your dream state…
Waking up, or becoming lucid, is a good thing. However, what we do once we are awake makes a very big difference. For example, conceivably you could become awake enough to control your blood pressure, your heart beat, and your digestion, but is that a necessary or a good thing? Is more control always better … Read more
Origins of IDL It is natural whenever we come across some body of knowledge to classify it in terms of those systems with which we are already familiar. This allows us to make assumptions about the new work that save time in both assessment and application. The danger is that we will draw incorrect or … Read more
Find out how fun, rewarding and effective it is to access your own unique emerging potentials that are there to propel you to your next level of lucidity, awakening and enlightenment, no matter who you are, how old you are, or what challenges you face in your life.