Learning to See Through Your Delusions
Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? What is meaningful and what is not? Why? When you ask such questions, what answers do you give yourself?
Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? What is meaningful and what is not? Why? When you ask such questions, what answers do you give yourself?
So you wake up with a dream that reminds you how forgetful, foolish, and stuck in drama you are. The best thing you can do is forget it as quickly and completely as possible, right?
Most dreams that we remember seem so trivial as to not be worth remembering.
Are some dreams spiritual and others mundane junk? How can you tell?
Everyone would like to access a state of oneness. We know that if we did we would experience peace, love, and wisdom to such a profound degree that our normal, everyday concerns would seem trivial by comparison.
This is an excellent example of how IDL can throw relevant, significant light on dreams from many years before. In this case, it explains the how and why of a dream that repeated many times over many years. Coincidentally, it is another interview that throws light on water as an often misperceived and misunderstood … Read more
Sunshine has given herself a beautiful centering tool, not only for stressful waking situations, such as family arguments or concerns about partnerships, but also for meditation!
This lady has repetitive dreams that she has both labia and a penis.
Where and how we grew up scripts us for the rest of our lives. If we do not re-frame that scripting in a productive way that is compatible with our own inner compass and our budding inner potentials, it will shape us into a bonzai – a diminutive distortion of who we were meant to be
Most of us have issues similar to Pathfinder: a crappy childhood, issues with the opposite sex, and loneliness. You can change these issues too.