
  For Beginners: Dealing With Money Worries? Using Lucid Dreaming and IDL for Financial Decision Making For Coaches: Dealing With Money Worries? A Tropical Fruit Teaches Business Success For Practitioners: A Sacred Sword for Business Success Live Life as a Gummy Bear! A Bicycle Teaches Abundance A Wealthy Donor Named Andra For Trainers:     … Read more

Getting Out of the Swamp of Your Life

In the above picture, we may assume that the boy is helping his stuck horse. But what if it’s the other way around? What if the horse has come to help the boy get unstruck? That’s the situation that we find in this interview, in which a kind and intelligent businessman lacks the confidence to cold call potential business clients

Synchronicity and Life Support

Synchronicity is a term coined by the great psychologist, Carl Jung to indicate events that are obviously closely connected but which have no causal relationship.  An example would be thinking about your mother as she is calling you on the phone. In the following example, the synchronicity occurred in three areas: 1) dream content, 2) … Read more

Dealing With Powerful True Believers

The problem in dealing with True Believers is that they have their minds made up and any alternative world view threatens theirs. In our grandiosity we often think, “I will become a True Believer. Once they see how wonderful I am and how much I have to offer that will help them, they will listen to me and change.” This generally amounts to self-delusion, wasted time and wasted effort.
