

Ending Nightmares for Good

by Joseph Dillard

How are dreams, nightmares, night terrors, and post-traumatic stress disorder similar, yet different? What are simple strategies for eliminating nightmares and the anxiety they provoke? You will learn how easy and fun it is to use Integral Deep Listening with your children so that they sleep better and are less troubled by anxiety and fear.  Beyond that, you will learn how to use IDL interviewing to heal and strengthen each member of your family as you share and listen to each other’s dreams.

Available here for purchase; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.

Other Books by Dr. Joseph Dillard

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We are living in an age of transition to open source access to goods and services of all kinds. In that spirit, I am making all of my books available on a “pay what feels right” basis.  I cannot know what the book is worth to you, so I’m not sure a fixed price makes much sense.

There are books I have bought that ended up not meaning much, while others were provocative, challenging and transformative in the way I see the world. Paying the same price for both, just because I didn’t know upfront, has often struck me as  odd. I would have liked to pay much more than the list price in some cases, and sometimes less in others.

So here is the experiment: I give you the book, and you give back whatever it has been worth to you.

How does it work?

  1. Put a note in your calendar some time in the future (say in a month’s time) to consider what you’d like to gift back, if you liked the book.
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  4. You can click on the button below the book to pay for your book via PayPal.

It’s an experiment in abundance where I trust that when I give, I will also receive.

– Joseph –

Just to be clear: in my mind, Pay-What-Feels-Right is not “free”. It’s an invitation to give what feels right for the value you’ve received from the book. The content of the book itself is copyrighted. Please don’t forward the copy you download to other people, but refer them to this page instead.



Integral Deep Listening: Accessing Your Inner Compass

By Joseph Dillard

Would you like to be able to interpret any dream that you have? Would you like to understand not only why you have nightmares but how to make them go away forever? Would you like to understand why your life is sometimes like a bad dream and how to change soap opera and nightmarish life events into something useful and meaningful? Would you like to learn how to find and follow your inner compass? Would you like to discover what sickness, adversity, and accidents have to teach you? Would you like to learn a powerful method of prevention to head off physical and emotional stress before they show up as problems in your waking life? Integral Deep Listening is a dream yoga, or yoga of wakefulness. It is about learning how to wake up out of delusion and misery in your life. Rather than focusing on lucid dreaming, as most dream yogas do, Integral Deep Listening emphasizes lucid living, which is to wake up out of your waking delusions. When you do so you bring a broader, more transformative consciousness to both your waking and night-time dreams.

Available here for purchase; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.










Waking Up

By Joseph Dillard

You may know how to wake up; do you know how to stay awake? Most people who have mystical experiences quickly fall back asleep into the waking dreams of routine, habit, and culture. Integral Deep Listening is a dream yoga not of lucid dreaming but of lucid living, of waking up out of your life script, the Drama Triangle, and your cognitive distortions by finding and following your own inner compass. In the process you will learn to interpret any dream, end any nightmare, and access practical, powerful tools that you will not outgrow.

You will learn how to access your own amazing inner potentials in the form of your dream characters and the personifications of oyour life issues. They will teach you how to use your breath to turn your life into a meditation to awaken into fearless confidence, a life of service and compassion, balance and wisdom, detachment and acceptance, freedom and inner peace, clarity and witnessing, whether awake or dreaming.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.









Blueprint for Awakening: Using the IDL Statement of Intent to Awaken, Clarify and Center Your Life

By Joseph Dillard

Of all the instructions or “blueprints” for growth and awakening, how do you know which one is right for you? After all, you are unique and your needs change as you grow. Therefore there is no one blueprint that works for everyone. What is unique about the Integral Deep Listening Statement of Intent is that it describes a blueprint that not only reflects your current needs, but that grows as you do, constantly transforming to reflect the emerging potentials that you need to take you to the next step in your constant transformation. In “Awakening” you will learn how multiple blueprints compete to control your future and happiness; in “Presence” you will learn powerful tools for maintaining meditative clarity; in “Yoga,” you will learn a life-long practice of radical multi-perspectivalism: accessing authentic, autonomous perspectives that transcend, yet include, your own. Based on time-tested tools from world spiritual traditions and psychology, the IDL Statement of Intent will show you how to create a deeply fulfilling and satisfying life.

Available here for purchase; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.



Integral Deep Listening Interviewing Techniques
By Joseph Dillard

Are you stuck? Do you want to get unstuck? The problem is that you are programmed to follow the internalized social expectations of others. In addition, you need a method that will reliably show you how to find and follow your inner compass. Integral Deep Listening Techniques, Volume 3 in the IDL Practitioner Series, is designed to teach you how to interview emerging potentials, in the form of dream characters and the personifications of your life issues, that represent aspects of your inner compass. Increases in core qualities of enlightenment, including confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, inner peace, and witnessing will tell you that you, your clients, and your loved ones are on the path to balance and integration.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.



Integral Deep Listening Practitioner
By Joseph Dillard

Integral Deep Listening is a phenomenologically-based psychospiritual discipline shown effective in reducing nightmares and anxiety, including post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also effective in reducing depression and increasing confidence. Integral Deep Listening Practitioner is one of a series of texts designed to train students of Integral Deep Listening (IDL). It explains the relationship between and other healing modalities, Practitioner competencies, practice challenges, and strategies for practice building.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.


Transcending Your Monkey Mind: The Five Trees and Meditation
By Joseph Dillard

It’s easy to focus on the forest and not see the trees of meditation. In this case, following the Buddhist concept of skandhas, there are five of them: the trees of thought, feelings, images, sensations, and states. Together, they constitute the entirety of your identity and experience. This little book is not your typical how-to guide to meditation. It does not provide practical instruction about how to sit or where to look when you meditate, and it does not require that you believe in anything or follow any particular spiritual practice. Transcending Your Monkey Mind offers a deeper understanding of what happens in your mind when you meditate. You can learn to transcend both mind and self without needing to subscribe to any particular type of meditation. By using the tools offered in this book, you can be more successful in meditation no matter what approach you use.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.









Escaping the Drama Triangle in the Three Realms: Relationships, Thinking and Dreaming

Consisting of the three roles of Persecutor, Victim and Rescuer, the Drama Triangle, as a modern retelling of Hindu samsara and Buddhist dukkha or suffering, haunts not only our relationships but our thoughts, feelings and night time dreams. The damage it does is immense, creating fundamental misperception, misery, destroyed relationships, missed opportunities, self-hatred and multiple nightmares. You not only will learn how your dreams, feelings, language, conscience, beliefs and world view keep you stuck in drama but practical, concrete steps you can take to get out, including using Integral Deep Listening (IDL) to interview authentic, innate perspectives from your dreams and life issues that are less stuck in drama than you are and that make specific recommendations to move you out of drama and into clarity, freedom and peace of mind.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.









Seven Octaves of Enlightenment: Integral Deep Listening Pranayama

You take approximately 20,000 breaths a day. IDL Pranayama is about using as few of seven of them to transform your life. Despite the common knowledge that Buddha used observation of breath to attain enlightenment, its nature and power is rarely recognized or used. How is it that we take for granted, know so little about, and make such cursory use of our most profound, reliable, supportive, instructive and positive companion? You can use your breath to expand your consciousness and speed your development and move you into the realm of the sacred. Integral Deep Listening (IDL) pranayama is designed to open new, important and exciting possibilities for you with every breath.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.









Dream Sociometry: A Multi-Perspectival Path to the Transpersonal

Now you can use any life issue, nightmare, dream or mystical experience to heal, balance and transform your life. Dream Sociometry, a form of Integral Deep Listening (IDL) life drama and dream character interviewing, invites you to outgrow who you think you are by taking multiple perspectives that are invested in your particular life drama or dream. IDL is itself a form of dream yoga that generates heightened lucidity by reducing filtering and supporting transpersonal development not only in your dreams but in your everyday life. Dream Sociometry is transpersonal because it provides both temporary state and permanent stage access to consciousness that transcends yet includes both rational and belief-based levels of development. Learn how to create and use a preference-gathering grid called a “Dream Sociomatrix and a “Dream Sociogram,” by which you will witness, understand and transcend patterns that prevent your enlightenment.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.








Understanding the Dream Sociogram: Transformational Patterns of Intrasocial Preference

You have thoughts about the meaning of your dreams and the life issues that are important to you. But what about the opinions of other invested perspectives – the other characters in your dreams and the personifications of people, houses and cars associated with your life dramas? If they could be interviewed and their preferences depicted, what would their relationships be? What would they tell you about how your dreams, nightmares and life issues look from a much broader, multi-perspectival vantage-point? In “Understanding the Dream Sociogram” you will learn not only how to depict but how to make sense of the data you gather in the Dream Sociomatrix and its Commentaries, as explained in”Dream Sociometry.” You can then use this information to heal, balance and transform your life and those of your family, friends and clients.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.








Healing Integral 1: Toward a Global Re-Alignment

The election of Donald Trump was a mega-earthquake for Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL and for “spiritual elites” everywhere. The first of a two-part series on the causes of this major disruption, “Healing Integral, 1:Toward a Global Re-Alignment,” examines how elitism and an over-emphasis on raising consciousness caused the spiritual community to be caught wrong-footed and be thrown into dismay and even despair. It then presents concrete recommendations for increasing its credibility and mass appeal. “Healing Integral, 2: Transforming the Future,” its sequel, examines how an over-emphasis on the self as well as key words used by integralists and other spiritual elites, actually block the transformations of mankind these groups seek to birth.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.










Healing Integral 2: Transformations for the Future

How can spiritual elites and Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL best use Donald Trump’s election as a wake-up call to transform themselves to reach a broader audience? The second of this two-part series, “Healing Integral 2: Transforming the Future,” examines how an over-emphasis on the self as well as key words used by integralists and other spiritual elites actually block the transformations of mankind these groups seek to birth and proposes a radical multi-perspectivalism as an important step forward. “Healing Integral 1:Toward a Global Re-Alignment,” the first of this two-part series on the causes of this major disruption,  examines how elitism and an over-emphasis on raising consciousness caused the spiritual community to be caught wrong-footed and to be thrown into dismay and even despair. It then presents concrete recommendations for increasing its credibility and mass appeal.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.




Deep Listening to Near Death Experiences
By Joseph Dillard

Have you ever had a near-death experience? If you have, would you like to increase its usefulness for you today and for the rest of your life? If you have not, have you ever had another type of mystical experience, such as a sense of oneness with nature, with others, or with life itself in such a way that you were filled with awe, compassion, and deep inner peace? The transpersonal method explored in this book is called Integral Deep Listening, and it can provide you with graduated, progressive openings into the mystical. It is designed to help you access and become six core aspects of waking up, enlightenment and the sacred dimension of life itself: fearless confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, inner peace, and witnessing.

Integral Deep Listening (IDL) is much more than a self-help tool. Each time you do an interview, you let go of your present, limited perspective on your life. You access and become qualities that are attributes of freedom, enlightenment, and genuine mystical experience. These qualities are personified by the characters in your dreams and your daily life issues. When you learn to practice integral deep listening you learn to access your emerging potentials to find and follow your inner compass.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.










Words and Concepts that Are and Are Not Conducive to Enlightenment

Understanding Principles Fundamental to Integral Deep Listening

Authored by Joseph Dillard

Could it possibly be that something as important as spirituality does not support your enlightenment? Could spiritual concepts such as soul, self, God, karma, reincarnation, positive thinking or love be blocking you from the enlightenment you seek? “Words and Concepts that Are and Are Not Conducive to Enlightenment” has something to challenge or irritate everyone. There are very few sacred cows here that are not sent to the slaughterhouse and ground into Happy Meals. Far from being an exercise in malicious torment of devout seekers, its intent is to help you examine your own assumptions so you can get out of your own way. What beliefs have you outgrown and are now blocking your growth? What assumptions do you want to keep, after having examined them closely to find out if they still do indeed support your enlightenment? Integral Deep Listening shows that enlightenment is a never-ending process of waking up. Be prepared to be surprised as you deepen your understanding of what it means to become awake, clear, lucid and enlightened.

Available here; email Joseph.Dillard@Gmail.Com for “Pay What Feels Right” PDF.



Dream Yoga: Der Weg der Träume (German)
By Joseph Dillard

A general introduction to Integral Deep Listening, Dream Yoga, der Weg der Träume, introduces the concept of interviewing dream characters and the personifications of life issues by comparing them to the Muses of ancient Greece as a source of creativity and inspiration. It explains how shifting perspectives with IDL is a powerful tool for healing, balancing, and transforming one’s life.

Available here.


Coming soon:

Making Transformational Paths More Transformational: Comparing Integral Deep Listening and Lucid Dreaming, Shamanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese Religion, Psychological Systems, and Wilber’s Integral AQAL

Transformational Dreamwork: Integral Deep Listening and Dreaming

Integral Deep Listening and Meditation

Integral Deep Listening and Healing

Integral Deep Listening Case Studies