A Gold Threaded Picture that Changes


A Gold-Threaded Picture that Changes


I am looking at a picture of beautiful gold-textured thread.  This material stays stable but a secondary material in the picture can be changed.  Both alternative compositions that I see are very pretty.

Preference Predictions

Most Accepting Character:  Gold Thread

Least Accepting Character: 2nd Material

Most Preferred Character: Gold Thread

Most Rejected Character: Dream Self

Most Preferred Action:  looking

Most Rejected Action:  none

Most Preferred Feeling:  pretty

Most Rejected Feeling: none


Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:  I like being in this dream.

Picture:  I’m quality stuff.

Gold thread:  I’m valuable.  I enhance the worth of whatever I touch.

2nd material: I may not be as valuable, but I contrast with gold and make it stand out.  The picture needs me. I’m just as valuable to the picture as the gold is.

Dream Commentary

Picture   It’s fine the way it is.  Just recognize the worth of all aspects of yourself.

Gold thread   Right.

2nd Material  Right

Dream Self   OK


I am looking at a picture of beautiful gold-textured thread.  This material stays stable but a secondary material in the picture can be changed.  Both alternative compositions that I see are very pretty.

Waking Commentary

Picture:  Read over the dreamage some.

Action Plan

Actual Preferences

Most Accepting Character:  Dream Self

Least Accepting Character:  none

Most Preferred Character:  Picture, Gold Thread, second Material

Most Rejected Character:  Dream Self

Most Preferred Action:  looking

Most Rejected Action:  none

Most Preferred Feeling:  pretty

Most Rejected Feeling:  none

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Sociogram Commentary

A synergistic pattern.

Acceptance axis:  Values are lumped, with all four aspects of self accepting and non-critical, yet hardly invested in this life issue.

Form axis: This is close to being a perfect positive pattern, in that there are only two neutral scores and the rest are positive, although uniformly “likes”.  Dream Self is the one dream group member not uniformly preferred.  Notice that Dream Self is Most Accepting but Least Accepted.  The implication is that Dream Self’s opinion is irrelevant to this group.  This is a pattern about which waking awareness may be aware, but is considered to be relatively insignificant.  These other aspects of self do not seek waking identity’s approval in order to be fulfilled, although they receive that approval anyway.

Process axis: Looking is something we do all the time and take for granted.  But what do we see?  And do we notice the quality around us in the minor things?  This is a pretty insignificant dream group in the grand scheme of dream groups, yet it makes a point profound in its simplicity.

Affect axis:  The implied feeling here is something like enjoyment, but the sort of joy that is an aesthetic delight.

This little episode is a beautiful statement of the worth of the dark or ignored part of ourselves, the “ground” that makes perception of the “figure” possible.   It is also a statement about the worth of the negative or rejecting/rejected elements in a sociogram.


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