Neighborhood Religion



Neighborhood Religion



Preference Predictions

Most Accepting:  Church

Least Accepting:  None

Most Preferred character:  Church

Most Rejected character:  None

Most Preferred action: processional

Most Rejected action:  none

Most Preferred feeling: none

Most Rejected feeling: none

Sociogram Pattern:  Synergistic.

Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:


Church  This is no place for me to be.


Taylor St.  His house doesn’t belong here.  It’s on another street.

Synagogue:  He shouldn’t live in me.  It makes me look to gaudy. – too much like a home instead of a religious institution.  I do not belong in a residential neighborhood or to be treated like a residence.

Palnick:  I mix my work and my play.  so what?  It’s comfortable.

Comments:    Gaudy is more a feeling: distaste than an action.  “Enlarged” and “his house” are hardly actions.  Secularization of the spiritual.  His synagogue is wealthy.

Actual Preferences

Most Accepting:  Dream Self, Palnick

Least Accepting:  Synagogue

Most Preferred character:  Taylor St.

Most Rejected character:  None

Most Preferred action: processional

Most Rejected action:  None

Most Preferred feeling:  none

Most Rejected feeling:  gaudy


Sociogram Commentary

Sociogram Pattern: Gaudiness prevents a synergistic pattern.  Near synergistic.

Neighborhood Religion '82

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