Mickey Crashes His Biplane


Mickey Crashes His Biplane


I am looking  at  an  animated cartoon Mickey Mouse and some young mice or young ducks (I think it was  ducks, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, probably.)  taking  off in a yellow biplane. They take off though a gate.   The gate takes off the wings of the plane.  It crashes, but no one is hurt.


A less  serious  version  of  “The  Space  Shuttle Crashes.”  I masturbated yesterday.  Seems to be talking about its effect on some set of aspirations. There is simply not enough altitude to avoid earthly obstacles.   The plane is taking off, not landing.  It’s hurt worse than the Shuttle, but not really, because it’s an animated plane.  Dream Self is not particularly concerned.



Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:  I   don’t take all  of  this  too  seriously.   It’s just recreational.

Cartoon:  I’m just  for  fun.   I’m not serious.  A little tragi-comedy in life never hurt anyone.

Mickey Mouse:  Whoopie!  This is fun!  Boyohboyohboy!

Young Ducks:  Wow!  That was fun!  Let’s do that again!

Biplane:  They are thoughtless, careless, selfish, egocentric fools.  They are using me without regard to my needs.  I experience the consequences of their thoughtless hedonism.

Gate:  They are stupid fools.   They have no business flying that plane.  They are a danger to innocent bystanders like myself.

Comment:  Sounds like different attitudes toward sex.   Part of me says, don’t take it too seriously.   Enjoy the ride.   Another part is very critical of that attitude, because it is victimized by it.

Dream Commentary

If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it? 

Cartoon:  I suppose we could have them successfully flying, having a good time.

Mickey Mouse:  That would be all right, but crashing is so much fun, particularly when you can’t get hurt, because it’s not real.

Young Ducks:  We like to crash, but for the sake of cooperation, we can have fun flying loop-the loops.

Biplane:  I have no objection to being used wisely and there being fun at the same time.

Gate:   Take off and land on a landing strip.  Use a little foresight about your choices of where and when you fly that thing.

Dream Self:  All suggestions sound OK to  me, but I’m not going to just watch.  I want to fly the plane.  I’ll give Mickey a set of dummy controls.  He’ll have just as much fun.


I am flying a yellow cartoon biplane with Mickey Mouse and Huey, Dewey, and Louie.  We are taking off on a landing strip.  Fun!  We do loop the loops and generally have a great time.  Then we land safely, feeling good.

Waking Commentary

     If you were this dreamer and were dealing with his waking issues – money, relationships, fears, career choices, physical health, and spiritual development – would you do anything differently?  If so, what? 

Cartoon:  Don’t take life or sex too seriously.  Enjoy yourself.

Mickey Mouse:  Have fun.  Let go and have a good time!

Young Ducks:  So what if you crash every now and then!  You’ll survive.

Biplane:  Take responsibility for your actions.  If you want to have fun, choose to do so – don’t be a bystander and let other parts of you take over.   Choose to have sex – don’t just indulge.

Gate: In having fun, plan ahead.  Realize that if you don’t, there are always consequences of your actions, and you will be ignoring the needs of parts of yourself.

Dream Self:  Sounds like more forethought, planning, and participation in sex is recommended.

Action Plan

Seems to have more with attitude than action.  I can read over the dreamage before sleep for a couple of weeks and see how I feel.


Sociogram Commentary

A higher attitude toward  masturbation  – not too concerned – but damage still done to the biplane and gate aspects of  self.  Chakras are gates.  A cartoon is like a dream within a dream.  No one cares about Dream  Self. His nonchalance and non-caring attitude turns them off.  He is not liked.

The closer the relationship to the destructive event, the less accepting the character.   This implies that “crashing behavior” is maintained by an inability to identify with the consequences of the action.

No negative emotions; perhaps due to the emotional disattachment reflected by the “cartoon” attitude.

The accepting/preferring pattern of this dream is deceitful and reflects a topsy-turvy value system.  Only the Gate  gives  the  clue, although Dream Self is not preferred, and that is another indicator.

Micky Crashes his Biplane '81

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